Osteopractic Physical Therapy:
Telehealth PT & COVID-19: Short-term fix, not the long-term solutions

In light of recent events related to COVID-19 (i.e. the coronavirus), the U.S. healthcare system
finds itself at a difficult crossroads. With the number of infected individuals continuing to climb
and the death toll surpassing 82,000 globally, both fear and anxiety are crippling physical therapy
clinics. Many outpatient orthopedic clinics, private practices, and hospital-based systems are
shutting down in the U.S. by order of the government.4 Bank reserves for therapy clinics are also
quickly depleting in states such as Nevada, California, New York, Ohio, and Kentucky...

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Pilates Hacks: Snake

In Alycea Ungaro's recent hack, she discusses the snake. Her emphasis is that proper setup is paramount to
execute the exercise correctly; i.e., shoulder and hips staying in the box angled towards the carriage. This is
achieved by not allowing the bottom knee to roll inward, but rather pulling it back to open and lift the hip.
A game-changing cue. Holding the setup is an exercise in itself and a prerequisite to moving forward with
the full expression of the exercise.

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PoleStar Pilates:
Every Time You See "Exercises to fix back pain" ...Run Away!

Stop chasing the "magic exercises" and "magic recipe" of what to do with your clients who experience low back
pain - it does not exist. People ask me "what is the best exercise for low back pain?" To me, this is like asking me
"what is the best food in the world?+ - who knows! It is entirely individual and a silly question to ask because it
depends on the person and the moment. One exercise can have a beneficial outcome for one person and a
negative outcome for another.

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Physical Therapy, Physical, Therapy, Montclair, NJ, New Jersey, Pilates, Polestar, Mckenzie, Institute, Vestibular, Spinal, Rehabilitation
Biomechanics, Dizziness, Vertigo, Sciatic, Scoliosis, Motor Control, Orthopedics, Sports Medicine, Mechanical Diagnosis, Systemic Muscle
Connective Tissue, Balance, Disorder, Fitness, Prevention, Healthy Lifestyle, Home Care, Thomas Lavosky, Tom Lavosky, Lavosky