Subgrouping Patients with Low Back Pain:
What Group is Most Likely to Benefit from Pilates

The Balanced Body Newsletter; Pilates Coreterly Spring 2009

“Physical therapists utilize a wide range of interventions in the management of patients
with low back pain (LBP). Approximately 50% of all patients presenting to outpatient
physical therapy clinics seek treatment for LBP. Clinical research has not shown that
one treatment is superior to another where “broad inclusion criteria”, meaning
anyone with low back pain (LBP), is used. Recent research, however, does show that if patients
with LBP are placed in subgroups based on a cluster of signs and symptoms, one treatment
does demonstrate greater efficacy over others...”

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Dizziness: Causes and Treatment

Advance for Physical Therapy and Rehab Medicine, December 15, 2009

“What are the three most common reasons patients seek medical attention in a primary care setting?
Lower back pain, headaches and dizziness. Over age 65, dizziness is the most frequent cause for an
office visit. Episodes of dizziness can impair an individual's lifestyle or contribute to a fall.
It is estimated that one-third to one-half of all people over age 65 fall at least once. In fact, falls are
the leading cause of injury in older adults, and account for over 200,000 hip fractures annually in the
United States alone...”

Physical Therapy, Physical, Therapy, Montclair, NJ, New Jersey, Pilates, Polestar, Mckenzie, Institute, Vestibular, Spinal, Rehabilitation
Biomechanics, Dizziness, Vertigo, Sciatic, Scoliosis, Motor Control, Orthopedics, Sports Medicine, Mechanical Diagnosis, Systemic Muscle
Connective Tissue, Balance, Disorder, Fitness, Prevention, Healthy Lifestyle, Home Care, Thomas Lavosky, Tom Lavosky, Lavosky